

This is the manzini page list. Its detail is as below.


Which sub-regions are included in manzini? Here's the list of sub-regions in manzini.
Region1 Region2 City Postcode
Manzini St Georges Barracks M219
Manzini Sithobela M211
Manzini Siphofaneni M214
Manzini Sidvokodvo M216
Manzini Phocweni M218
Manzini Mzimpofu M213
Manzini Mliba M220
Manzini Mhlatuze M210
Manzini Matsapha M202
Manzini Manzini M200
Manzini Mankayane M206
Manzini Malkerns M204
Manzini Mahlangatsha M208
Manzini Luyengo M205
Manzini Luve M209
Manzini Ludzeludze M203
Manzini Kwaluseni M201
Manzini Kaphunga M217
Manzini Kandinda M212
Manzini Encabaneni M207
Envelope Example
swz Envelope Example
For more explanation, please read the official document: swz.pdf . (English) :For more explanation, please read the official document. (English)

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